RCommunity FAQs
Rutgers Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni
Click on RCommunity. In the upper right corner in the oval, click on the down arrow. Students will select Log-In, while faculty will select Sign-Up (If you have not previously logged into RCommunity).
Students will be directed to the Rutgers University main page. Faculty/staff will be directed to create your profile. We ask that you use the email address of your NetID@rutgers.edu to be consistent with how profiles are uploaded in the system. Students can click on the down arrow in the oval and select Profile to update your profile. Please do not change the primary address, which should be your NetID@rutgers.edu, but rather add additional secondary email addresses to your profile if you wish.
Once you are done with that, you are now ready to search for groups and/or events. We encourage you to join the following groups by searching for them and then clicking the Join button: Rutgers University, Your Campus, and Department. You may also wish to affiliate with Engagement offices throughout all the campuses.
If you are a Rutgers Entity or are not seeing a subgroup for your major or student group, please reach out to RCommunity at rcommunity@rutgers.edu to request the creation of a subgroup. Please do not create a subgroup as we want to make sure the group or affiliation is created properly.
Alumni can also access RCommunity. Alumni can visit the Foundation webpage regarding “Rutgers Email for Life.” By using your Rutgers NetID, you can access the MyRutgers application and then access RCommunity. The Foundation page will aid you to recover your NetID or aid you if you never had a NetID. By logging your alumni volunteer hours, you are helping show the impact Rutgers has in communities around the world.
Community Partners
Community partners are off-campus entities wanting to connect to the Rutgers community to share events, service-learning projects, and opportunities to volunteer at one-time or ongoing events. To establish an RCommunity account, organizations must fill out the GivePulse Affiliate Application. Filling out the application does not guarantee that the organization will become an affiliate with Rutgers University in RCommunity. The application will be reviewed by the RCommunity administrators and the person who filed the application will receive notice of the decision.
You can click on the link just above and it will link you to RCommunity. Please click the down arrow in the oval in the upper right of the screen. For students, please select Log-In. You will be directed to the SSO and, once logged in, you will be on the Rutgers University RCommunity page. You can update your profile by clicking the down arrow in the oval and selecting Profile. Please do not change the primary address (which will be your NetID@rutgers.edu). You can additional email addresses as secondary email addresses.
For Faculty/staff, click on the down arrow in the oval and select Sign-Up (if you are not a current student – if that is the case please use the student log-in information above). You will create your profile. We are asking that you use the primary email address as your NetID@rutgers.edu to be consistent with how profiles are loaded in they system. You can add your departmental email as a secondary email if you wish.
If you’re a recognized student organization, we can create an RCommunity page for you that automatically syncs with RU Involved. If you want your department, office, or other Rutgers group to have their own page on RCommunity, you’ll need to provide some basic information for your page. Contact Dr. Brian Kurisky to get set up.
We keep a list of those organizations who are authorized as affiliates in RCommunity. If you do not know if your organization is on the list, please contact RCommunity to check. Any organization wishing to affiliate with RCommunity may fill out the Affiliate Application. The application will be reviewed and, if accepted, the organization will be notified when their page is set-up. The designated Group Administrator will then be able to customize their Affiliate page.
If you’re a community organization, you have two options to share opportunities. You can create the event on your affiliated page, and it will automatically be shared with RCommunity. Or you can submit the event using the Submit Opportunity button on the top right of the RCommunity homepage. You can view the guide to submitting an event.
Who can see your event and register for it, are controlled by both visibility and privacy settings. Here’s a brief overview of how to adjust those settings so people outside your group can/can’t see the event and can/can’t register.
Select the blue Request a Reservation button under Register (top right) on an event page to claim multiple spots for your group. You’ll serve as the group leader and must provide your team members names and emails before the event begins. Don’t see the Request Reservation button? Contact the event administrator listed on the page to ask if they will accept reservations?
If you’re creating an event and want groups to be able to claim spots as a team, be sure to Allow Group Reservations at the bottom of the Registration Settings.
Absolutely! Registration questions are a great way to get to know who’s signing up for your opportunity, learn about their accessibility needs, and any other preferences.
In those cases where you have to make an impact or track your engagement with an organization event or program that is not within the RCommunity system, you will click “Add Impact” and select the “Can’t Find It?” option. When you press the “Can’t Find It?” option, you will be prompted to add the group/program description where you can describe the service you completed, the person who will help verify your attendance, and additional relevant information. Once that is completed, you will then continue to add your impact as usual. When completed, click the Add Impact button at the bottom to submit. If you would like your Impact to be shared with a group to which you belong, add them in the Sharing & Privacy section.
We encourage you to send RCommunity the name of the organization, contact person’s name, and email address so that we can reach out to them to include them in the organizations on RCommunity. You can also direct the organization to fill out the Affiliate Application.
Under your profile, press “Dashboard” to view your unique calendar of events for which you have confirmed you would attend.
It is important for volunteers to unregister from events that they cannot attend, even if it is on the day of the activity. Events are planned around the number of attendees so that is why it is important to unregister. If you need to unregister, got to “My Activity” and then “My Registrations.” From there, you can locate the event that you need to cancel from your registrations. Once located, find the drop-down menu under “Actions” on the far right. From this menu, choose “Cancel Registration.” This also allows you to cancel a single instance of a recurring event, as each recurrence is listed individually. You can also click “Update Registration” and return to the original registration page, where you can update which recurrences you are able to attend. You can also cancel all recurrences by clicking “Cancel All.”
We define an “impact” as one’s final reflection after an event that includes both the number of volunteer hours one worked at an event and the public feedback from that event. Impacts may be submitted for an event (which we strongly encourage for volunteers needing to track their hours for submission for a class). Feedback is important and vital for us. Submitted impacts may be denied if the information is not accurate (i.e. if a volunteer may have submitted an impact for the wrong event or a day they did not attend). If this is the case, one will receive an email from a staff member who organized the event in an attempt to fix the impact to make sure the impact reflects the accurate time and activities of the right event.
Simply open your profile, click on “Account,” and update any information you would like to adjust.
If you wish to get a transcript of all recorded volunteer hours that have been entered in RCommunity only, please go to your profile and, under the profile, press “Summary” to see your official transcript and summary of all recorded impacts through RCommunity. For a full co-curricular transcript which includes organizations to which you belong to or have belonged to, and offices held, please access such a transcript in Anthology’s GetInvolved.
Yes. If you organize an event and did not use RCommunity, you can still add those hours to RCommunity. The person uploading must have the permissions to do so in the platform (you can email Dr. Brian Kurisky if you do not know if you have that permission). You will need to download the Import Group Hours CSV file and fill out the mandatory sections:
- Email Address
- First Name
- Last Name
- Hours Served
- Start Date Year (YYYY)
- Start Date Month (MM)
- Start Date Day (DD)
- Start Date Time (HH:MM:SS in 24 hour time)
Once you complete that, you can go into your group, click on Manage on the left side of the screen and then click Edit. On the left menu, click on Impacts and then Add Impact. You will then click on Import and follow the directions.
If you are not an administrator of the group or are having issues importing the file, you can send an email with the file and information about the event (location, date, time, what people did, etc.) to the RCommunity email and an administrator will upload the file.
Yes!! International students, no matter your type of visa, may volunteer on and off-campus without issue. The key word is volunteer as you may not get paid for your engagement (depending on your type of visa). You may use RCommunity to search for, sign-up for, and log your engagement on and off-campus.
Yes!!! Alumni may access RCommunity as long as they have their NetID. The Rutgers Foundation has a webpage that discusses the Rutgers Email for Life initiative. On that page, it lays out how to get the email for life by utilizing your Rutgers NetID. If you don’t remember your NetID and/or password, the Foundation has provided instructions get those. If you never had a NetID, the webpage lays out how to obtain one.
The NetID will allow you to access MyRutgers and thereby access RCommunity.
The program can be utilized by alumni to find engagement in the community (and potentially online), provide opportunities to promote community engagement events not only in New Jersey but in all communities, and allowing Rutgers to showcase the impact our alumni have in the communities where they are engaged.